Pet Gundog Day (All breeds)
Pet Gundog Day (All breeds)
Join us for a day of fun, games, and training designed specifically for those with gundog breeds who aren’t currently involved in gundog training and don't plan to work their dog in the future.
If you’re struggling to manage your retriever's, spaniel's, or HPR's natural hunting and chasing instincts and have heard that gundog training will help, but are unsure about getting involved in regular classes, this all day workshop is perfect for you.
You’ll learn engaging exercises to teach essential life skills tailored to gundog breeds, including focus and responsiveness in distracting environments, reliable recall so your dog returns when called, loose lead walking for enjoyable outings together, and impulse control to manage your dog’s natural instincts.
Our Pet Gundog Day is suitable for all breeds, with no previous gundog training experience needed.
Open to all breeds of gundog, plus any crossbreeds or other breeds that have a desire for retrieving and hunting, you will leave the Pet Gundog Day with skills to enjoy training your gundog and giving them the mental and physical stimulation they need. And who knows, you might even decide that gundog training is your new favourite hobby.
Our Pet Gundog Day, held at the Clicker Gundog Training Centre in Charlton, near Evesham, Worcestershire, is suitable for...
- Pet gundogs with little to no experience of gundog work.
- Pet gundog owners who don't want to work their dog on a shoot but would like to be able to take their gundogs out safely and off lead in the countryside without battling against their natural instincts to hunt and chase.
- All breeds of gundog, plus any crossbreeds or other breeds that have a desire for retrieving and hunting.
Using a series of fun, force-free, reward-based games and exercises, the Pet Gundog Day will show you how to train behaviours such as…
- Reliable recall, even when there are distractions.
- Walking your gundog in a countryside environment, ensuring they stay responsive and engaged with you.
- How to settle your gundog in the countryside, creating calm moments when they're over-excited.
- Loose lead walking and heelwork, so you can enjoy stress-free walks together.
Understanding how to teach your gundog to manage themselves and develop self-control, making them less impulsive and less likely to:
- Lunge on the lead.
- Snatch food or items from your hands.
- Jump up at visitors.
- Chase wildlife.
Spaces are limited to 8 dogs and handlers.